We need at least one more for a movement…

At least there is one elected Republican who understands that conservatism is the key, not only to a better America, but also to winning elections. Now if we can just find at least one more to join Congressman Tom Price we could consider it a movement.

Thank you National Review Online’s The Corner for linking this.

I’m disappointed in you Rush.

I can’t believe what I read from Rush Limbaugh this morning; Rush actually advocates caving in to liberal socialism, which is the Democrat party, and compromising on the obscene “stimulus” bill.

I’m disappointed in you Rush.

Up till now you have always called a commie a commie; taught millions of Americans to never compromise their principles and that moderates were simply people without conviction. And you have been right.

I can only hope you are once again simply pointing out the absurd with absurdity. President Obama will never go for your plan because it would concede the country to conservatism forever. As you point out, while for various reasons the majority in the country did vote for President Obama, a far larger majority oppose the liberal tax and spend approach to government when it is exposed plainly for them. If the Dems were to take your bait they would be acknowledging that while they can win elections they cannot win the the arena of ideas and ideals.

Come back to the right Rush, let us know we haven’t lost you to moderation.

Commie Pinko

Rich Brookhiser of National Review’s The Corner and I have something in common; our wives apparently want us to take them to the movies or out to coffee but dread what is going to come out of our mouths.

Mr. Brookhiser’s comment about the movie Che  “Communist murderer” seem’s much like something I would say, unfortunately to my wife’s discomfort. Such as standing in line at Starbuck’s, hearing the manager complain about the cost of something skyrocketing because of “global warming”, and me commenting that “I think the Red Chinese are behind it.”

My wife thought this inappropriate. On reflection,I don’t think it was inapproriate but wasted. On reflection I’m not sure the twenty-somethings in line understand that the Chinese are Communist, (thus Red), and that in fact they do not have the best interest of the US, and capitalism, in mind. They do in fact have much to gain from crushing our economy by any means possible.

I think I will ask my wife to go to a movie to make up for my faux paus. Does anyone know where they are not showing Che: the Commie Pinko?

Relaxin with some empty space

I have some time to myself today, time to sit, to catch up with the world wide interweb, time to listen. For the third or fourth time of the day I am listening to Relaxin with the Miles Dave Quintet and I am facinated by the “empty space” allowed when, in 1956, you let 5 guys just play.

This has me thinking; when was the last time I allowed myself the time to relax and find my own “empty space?” It is so easy with work, family, church and life in general to “keep your head down, get ‘er done” and not allow God time to just work in my mind and heart. So often my God time is focused, to often on me, but even to often overly focused on Him. This sounds strange but if I am trying to focus and guide the conversation with God, I am eliminating His ability to fill the “empty space” with whatever He wishes.

I’m going on record now…

I’m going on record now, the Colorado Rockies are going to win the 2009 World Series.

I base this in part on the pitching rotation which, going into spring training, is stronger and deeper than ever. Add the coaching staff changes the Rockies made this off season and I predict great success.

What’s different?

Alright, it’s a new year and now everything is going to be different, right? I mean everything is going to be different because it’s a new year, right? I mean…

It is not a new year that will make things different in your life, in my life.,it is however the things we do different that will be different. Two important take aways from this 1or2thoughts of self awareness; it’s the different that will be different and just because you do something different does not mean your life is different.

Example; Sue and I went snowshoeing Saturday, and we had a great time. So does this mean I am now a winter activity enthusiast? No longer slightly, or more, overweight? That now I am in shape and will no longer huff and puff at 10,000 feet when I try to tie my shoes?


It means I did something different and had a great time doing it. Could it mean those other things? Sure, if I went snowshoeing everyday, at 10,000 feet, for the next 3-20 weeks and managed to change my diet. Oh, and learned to like being cold.

So what is the lesson for myself here? Enjoy life. Seek out and enjoy doing something different because you want to and can, not just because it is different. Enjoy life as it is, because it is there for you to make the most of; you might as well enjoy it.

So go do something different and enjoy it, just don’t make something of it you shouldn’t. Different just means different until and unless it is a change.

Maybe if I set it on fire…

It is the end of the year and time for my traditional “maybe if I set it on fire” moment as I look at my desk and evaluate my lack of organization. Certain that there must be a better, and safer, solution I found Telecommuting Truths asking “Wouldnt it be great if someone could come in and place all my stuff on disk and file it away for me in a very easy to work with style?”

The good news it appears is that I am not alone in my frustration. The bad news is that the piles seem deeper knowing others share my filing woes.

As I am determined to start the new year in a more organized fashion I am doing the only thing a rational, reasonably intelligent person can do; finding a match!

What makes church “church?”

Very interesting post over at bright and beautiful; challenging, disapointing and yet strangly encouraging all at the same time. Take a minute to read it and then continue:

Observation: When growing up Methodist, church was something we did. In fact, church was something we did all the time. Our friends were church friends. Our church social group went to lake, the adults drank beer, and everyone water skied. I think we ate some type of pot luck, sloppy joes, or chili feed at church at least twice a month. My point; church was about community. 

Then I grew up, got saved and something changed. I wanted to be spiritualy fed and challenged. I have been to many, many churches over the past 25 years since leaving that Methodist church. Many I have loved for a period of time, some I tolerated, and some I ended up trying to figure out what I ever saw in them. Each one taught me something and yet it seemed each one left me wanting more, wanting the church to be better or offer me something different.

Question 1: Is it possible that in my desire for church to be something specific and in the interest of spiritual hunger, I missed the very thing that made, and makes, church “church?”

Question 2: Am I off course wanting church to be something or offer something to me instead of accepting church as it is and for what it is?

Question 3: Have we let church stop being about community?

What makes church “church” to you?

So many things wrong with this…

There was a link on the MSN front page titled “How to tell if a charity deserves your money”. There are so many things wrong with this headline and the story behind it.

First of all, even if we overlook the key question I will ask shortly, shouldn’t the question more properly be “How do I tell if the charity administering the money is deserving?” Does this particular organization actually produce results, good results, with the money it attracts? The charity is not supposed to be the purpose for the money, but rather the charitable it is designed to help.

These seem to be more important questions, but not yet the most important. That would be, “How does this charity grow the kingdom?”

If you want to save Polar Bears, bully for you. If you want to champion the dumb friends league, great. Instruments for the public school band, don’t get me started. But in all these cases, is anyone being saved?

If you have the choice between saving a Polar Bear or saving a life what do you do? That seems fairly simple, at least to me, sorry bear. But what happens when the choice is a bear, a life or a soul?

If I believe as I think I believe, then what value is a world full of bears and lost souls to be eaten by them? Isn’t life eternal more important than the even the life, let alone the bear?

So again, shouldn’t the question when deciding what do do with charitable giving be “How does this charity grow the kingdom?”

The most important bowl game

At long last it is official, Nebraska will play Clemson in the Gator Bowl on New Year’s Day. This is of course the most important bowl game of the year, with the Husker’s returning to prominence under Bo Pelini.