Relaxin with some empty space

I have some time to myself today, time to sit, to catch up with the world wide interweb, time to listen. For the third or fourth time of the day I am listening to Relaxin with the Miles Dave Quintet and I am facinated by the “empty space” allowed when, in 1956, you let 5 guys just play.

This has me thinking; when was the last time I allowed myself the time to relax and find my own “empty space?” It is so easy with work, family, church and life in general to “keep your head down, get ‘er done” and not allow God time to just work in my mind and heart. So often my God time is focused, to often on me, but even to often overly focused on Him. This sounds strange but if I am trying to focus and guide the conversation with God, I am eliminating His ability to fill the “empty space” with whatever He wishes.