Another Navy Hospital Ship Heads to Gulf

The USNS Mercy, sister hospital ship to USNS Comfort is schedule to sail for the Gulf Coast on Wednesday October 5 to add a second sustainalble, selfcontained hospital facility to support Hurricane Katrina relief.

USS Truman En Route to U.S. Gulf Coast

“Truman will serve as a command and control platform for hurricane relief operations, as well as provide a rotary wing forward operating sea base, provide carrier onboard delivery (COD) service and provide additional medical support, in addition to supporting the refueling of dozens of military aircraft flying in the area.”

“We will be a forward floating support base, running relief articles into any area required. We will also serve as a refueling point for the large number of Navy and Army helicopters operating in the area,” said Truman Commanding Officer Capt. James P. Gigliotti.”

Help on a massive scale is on the way. The USS Truman will add her massive flight deck, supply and command and control capabilities to that of the six amphibious ships also soon to be on station. Supporting these efforts are seven supply and refueling ships giving the US Navy the ability to sustaiindefinitelyly these support operations. All this support is just from the US Navy and Marines. Add to this the US Airforce, US Army and the National Guard and the southern United States will be seeing the US Military in numbers not seen since the massive mobilization operations as the military tried to prepare for World War II.

Never, never, never challenge God!

In response to hurricane Katrina, Jesse Jackson, Jr., Democrat Illinois, has suggested that President Bush “stand on a pile of rubble. And he will look up to the heavens and say to God, ‘You’re responsible for this. And soon you will hear from us.'”

I may not be the son of a preacher, but I do know that you never, never, never challenge God! Without much effort a person can find example after example of the bad things the happen to people when they or their leader challenge God. Those examples may have escaped Mr. Jackson as they are found in the Bible which tends to hold too many truths for most Democrat politicians to get very familiar with.

While there are some things that President Bush should do, such as hold FEMA accountable and implement a real strategic energy policy, to curse or challenge God can certainly do no good and only a fool would suggest this.

Radio Blogger has the full quote.

The upcoming civil war!

I guess the upcoming civil war, the novel of which I keep putting off writing, is closer to reality than even I feared.

No additional comments on this, thanks to Kathryn Jean Lopez at The Corner you can read it yourself.

The US Navy is on the way.

US Navy help is on the way. The equivalent of a two Expeditionary Strike Groups, enough Navy and Marine air/sea/land capability to invade most countries, will soon be in the Gulf of Mexico to assist in Katrina relief efforts.

The hospital ship USS Comfort, whose sister ship USS Mercy treated over 100,000 patients in support of last years tsunami, is also on the way to provide ongoing medical support.

Exclusive interview exposes the "Bourbon Street Memo"

Our friend The Conservative UAW Guy has another exclusive must chuckle. He has an exclusive interview which exposes the truth about the “Bourbon Street Memo.”

A moment to laugh during these trying times is healthy.

Rugged individualism or collective liberalism, the choice appears clear.

“The big lesson of September 11th, in fact, is in the end, the more the people are self-reliant, and take control for themselves, the more they’re likely to be able to withstand these things. If you entrust yourself to the government, then you will be vulnerable. The people who had reviled SUV’s, that the environmental want to get rid of and want to ban, they were able to drive away from the city. The people who were dependent on public transit, and did what the government did, and went into this appalling situation in the Superdome, they’re the ones that have been failed by their governments. It’s not a federal government issue. You know, the lesson of September 11th is that the president of the United States, when something bad goes wrong, the president of the United States won’t be there, either up in the airplane, or down in the swamp to save you. All he can do is hold a photo-op afterwards, which is what Jack Cafferty was urging him to do, you know, to fly down there the day afterwards. That’s pointless. You’ve got to have a situation where people are encouraged to be self-reliant, and exercise responsible choices themselves.”

Mark Steyn on Hugh Hewitt today.

Thanks again to Radio Blogger for the transcript.

Time for decisive action on energy.

“U.S. refineries are operating at 97% of capacity processing 17 million barrels of oil per day (while our demand is about 21 million barrels). In 1981 there were 315 operating refineries in the U.S. Today there are 144.”

It is clearly time to deal with production, refining and delivery and to do so decisively.

Release The Hounds! has additional information.

Robert Kennedy Jr. illustrates the sad history to be written!

The only good take away from this is that when Teddy Kennedy passes from the public stage, and with comments like this from the next generation, it is probable that what political power the Kennedy name still holds will pass. When history finally writes a perspective on the political and societal impact of the Kennedy clan it is likely to focus on the infatuation of a generation rather than on any accomplishments of the family.

Thanks to Right Makes Right for sparking this short rant.