Have you ever taken God for granted?

Have you ever taken God for granted?

Now for the kicker; is that a bad thing if, when, you have?

On one hand He is God. He is my Lord; my Father, and I honor and worship Him. I (strive to) serve Him and to do His will every day. When I take Him for granted I dishonor Him, diminish myself and fall short of my rightful role as a Covenant servant (and Covenant blessed) of God.

On the other hand God is my friend, my best friend, and my father. I walk with Him every day. He talks to me, guides me and is a very real presence in my day to day life. Not like “God” but more like my father; my friend. He is in my heart and in my head. He is conversational, not only in prayer, but actually “with me” as I go about my day.

So what happens when I “take Him for granted” because yes I have, do, and the evidence is I will again? Do I beat myself, repent, and throw myself on His mercy? Yes. It is painful and yet…

I also am thankful, oh so very thankful, for a God who is my friend, my father (family), my “confidant” Redeemer Who I can be close enough too take for granted.

When He and I talk about this does He agree it’s a good thing? He did yesterday and He did today; if I get a different answer tomorrow I will let you know. Interestingly, He also allows me to remind myself, chastise myself, that He is God and is to be revered. It is amazing how when I correct myself, He let’s me. Good lesson in parenthood.

What do you think; is it a bad thing when you take God for granted?

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